Harrison Ford to return to Comic-Con, to promote Ender’s Game July 18 in Hall H
Huh? San Diego Comic-Con is only 20 days away? The Hollywood studios are in “engage” mode releasing details on their plans for this year’s big show. One of the bigger draws will be the Ender’s Game...
View ArticleOpening weekend review: “Ender’s Game” is almost the movie we’ve been waiting...
Review by Elizabeth C. Bunce First, let me say that I’m struggling to figure out how to review this for people who haven’t read the book (really?). Although it’s been almost 20 years since my last...
View ArticleTrailer Park–The “What the ?” Edition: Arnold and zombies? Fassbender and...
Arnold Schwarzenegger is starring in a new zombie movie, and it’s not a comedy? Michael Fassbender is starring in a Western? It can only be Trailer Park: The “What the ?” Edition. Check out two new...
View ArticleNow streaming–2013’s nicely creepy “Haunter”
Review by Elizabeth C. Bunce It’s no secret I’m a big fan of ghost stories, and I’ve lamented before how hard they are to find among all the slasher horror gore fest flicks that pass for scary fare...
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